Thursday, 9 January 2014
Understanding Your Target Market.
This obvious task is often overlooked. You should already know and understand your target market, yet things can and do change quite rapidly. When was the last time that you did any serious research into your target market?
A fatal mistake any business can make is assuming that your market remains static. The truth is the market is ever changing and you need to identify the section that wants to buy your products. The assumption that everyone is your target market, is false. Some will already have it, some will need it but can't afford it, others will have just bought it and not react very well if you are now supplying the same a less than they paid for it.
Your target market should be those who want, need and are able to buy what you offer. Little point advertising a corner shop nationally, nor advertising a global business in the local rag.
Gavin Bryan-Tansley Owner Vid-FX+
Advertising Complementary Therapies
Complementary therapies may help to support a person’s sense of wellbeing. They are often popular choices for many. When advertising or m...